Thursday, 1 July 2010

Every door will open wide. To happy people like you...

I'm losing the will to live with all the talk of cuts. I fully appreciate how important the subject is and I knew full, as this blog has indicated, that they would dominate this parliament (before we get anywhere near electoral reform...), but Bejesus Christ! We're going back and forth over the same ground in the media, back and forth and round and round in circles!

Well that's just from my viewpoint, the cuts are crucial to so many people and they are unlikely to see it the same way.

I haven't had any time over the last couple of weeks to write any further on the matter, work has dominated way too much of time, cutbacks you see, turned it into a nightmare...

I will get back to it soon, but the Labour Leadership contest is still going, not as prominent in the news over the last week or so, but it's still there, lingering, like a nagging doubt. It's got another couple of months to run! But it can still cause amusement.

I don't think John Prescott has thrown his significant weight behind any of the candidates so far. He is with some of the candidates, showing that it's about the Labour party and they're all in it together...

John Prescott amongst the leadership candidates

All the usual suspects with Andy Burnham and Douglas Alexander in the front.

Douglas just happy to be there...

But where's Diane Abbott??

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